I totally forgot to sit down and do my Yays of the Day last night.  And honestly, I'm not caffeinated yet, so my brain isn't firing well enough to remind me what they were.  Just that it was generally a good day.  My morning got off to a lovely, if obscenely early, start for a Saturday.  My hubby put out fresh towels yesterday, and I saw as I was getting in the shower this morning that he folded them neatly into thirds.  Which is a small thing, I know, but it's that it's a Thing for me.  One of my weird quirks that I really want my towels folded neatly into pretty thirds.  And he remembered that and did it.  It's had me smiling like an idiot despite the lack of caffeine.

I'm off to my mom's today, but I wanted to share with y'all a couple of posts that I think are great reads.

The first is by author Tawna Fenske (if you've not read her work and want a laugh, she's fabulously funny).  Stop The Glorification of Busy is a great reminder that busy is not always PRODUCTIVE.  And in the same vein, this morning's Daily Good post was about Why We Stink At Taking Breaks.  It's like they were talking directly to me because I AM always busy (seemingly) and I rarely take a break.  And those things can impact our ability to be mindful and positive.  Check 'em out, and have a GREAT weekend!
10/15/2012 12:36:07 pm

Love the towel thing :-)


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